Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lily is ONE!

Say hello to sweet Lily -
Lily is a sweet, good natured baby (toddler) whose favorite time of day is bath time. She loves the water and took to the pool immediately. Lily is an animal lover whose first word is officially "arf!" like her little dog Boris. Her second sound was panting like her big dog, Sasha. Despite her petite stature, Lily is a voracious eater with a love of meat, string cheese, fruit & broccoli. Taking her first steps at 10 months, Lily has learned how to expertly follow around her big brother in just a few short months. Lily likes to show her frustration by exercising her vocal chords and has been tagged by strangers for a career in opera.

Thanks so much you guys, I appreciate the opportunity! You have such a beautiful family!
xoxo, Julie


  1. Gorgeous! Love my people. (Lily's mom is my sister.) ;)

  2. LOVE her dress! She is super cute and the pictures are amazing as always!

  3. Turned out so so sweet!! Can't wait to see them all! (Jen)


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