Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Rose Madeline {lifestyle newborn session}

Welcome to the world, Rose Madeline! 
June 21, 2018      11:28 PM
4 pounds 4 ounces             17.9 pounds

"Though she be but little, she is fierce." - Shakespeare 

Sweet little Rose is a fighter. She came into the world 8 weeks early, and needed some extra care and support in the NICU for her first few weeks. After 34 unimaginably long days, her mommy and daddy finally got to bring her home. Those early days of her life were challenging, but felt like borrowed time with their sweet baby girl - a tiny little soul they didn't expect to meet just yet, but loved more than they could've imagined. Her mom and dad are so grateful for every extra moment they got to spend with Rose, despite the sadness that came with having to leave the hospital every night without her in their arms. Now that she's home safe, every snuggle, every kiss, every bedtime, and every song has been a reminder to them that there is truly no place like home. 

Rose is named after her great-great-grandmother, and was born on the summer solstice - a very special miracle indeed! 

V & D - I am so grateful for the chance to come to your beautiful home to capture these tender, unforgettable moments in your family's life. I hope you cherish them for a lifetime. xoxo - Julie



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