Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Emmett is ONE! {cake smash}

Since I don't use a studio, the chance to do a cake smash doesn't come around all that often. However, this special little guy happens to be mine, and I can make a studio out of our kitchen if I feel like it. :) A couple of rolls of white paper and a bucket of baseballs later, we've got a super cute cake smash set-up for this handsome one year old who has baseball running through his veins whether he likes it or not. With my trusty 3 year old assistant at my side, we got ready for the madness and set Emmett up with one his favorite things - cake. He is the only one of my children who actually enjoyed doing a cake smash, so he gets brownie points for making mama happy and being a ham. Bonus - the kitchen smelled like frosting for a few days after this fun. We love, love, love this little guy and I am so grateful that the good Lord let be his mommy! 


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