Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Kenny & Pam

These two are adorable together. It's easy to see how in love they are, and that makes taking their photos even more of a treat! The rain held off for just the right amount of time, so we were all very thankful for that...and it has been pouring ever since! I love it when it works out like that. I've known Pam for quite a few years through teaching, so I was very excited to get to spend some time with her and her awesome hubby!
Thanks so much, you two. It was a blast! Merry Christmas and hope to see you again soon!
xoxo, Julie 


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Kooper is 6 months old!

I had the pleasure of taking this little guy's newborn photos back in May, so it was especially fun to have the opportunity to take his 6 month photos! Watching how babies grow throughout their first year and getting to work with their awesome families multiple times is one of my favorite parts of this job. He and his big bro are so sweet together, and their mama had some great props all ready for us to use (which made me very excited). Kooper is such a happy little guy, and I can't wait until our next shoot in a few months! Can he get any cuter?! 

If you are interested in the Baby Milestone Package, please contact me today!
The photo sessions are typically at 3, 6, and 12 months of age.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Clara {11 days new}

Welcome sweet Clara Hope to the world!
8lbs. 2 oz.                   20 1/2 in.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I set you apart..." - Jeremiah 1:5
Clara's arrival was much anticipated and has been such a blessing to this wonderful, faithful family. Clara has two older sisters, Elena (4) & Anika (2 1/2), as well as a big brother who is with Jesus in Heaven, Jacob (16 mo.). Both of her sisters weighed and measured exactly the same as Clara when they were born! Both Elena and Anika are Romanian names, so her Mommy and Daddy chose a Romanian name for Clara as well. "Hope" was chosen as her middle name because she gives them so much hope after the loss of sweet Jacob.
Her birth was such a beautiful and joyful event, and I feel so blessed to have been able to capture this little miracle so soon afterward! I'm so happy for you guys! xoxo, Julie 


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I Heart Faces Photo Challenge {Orange}

The challenge over at I Heart Faces this week is "Orange". What's better than a trip to the pumpkin patch for that?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Coming out from behind the lens

When you're the photographer, it's hard sometimes to actually BE in photos. Like, ever. I have an obsession with warm evening "golden hour" sunlight, so I brought my amazing hubby to one of my favorite locations about 30 minutes before sunset, set up the tripod and self-timer, and got to capture some beautiful memories of just the two of us as we approach our 5 year anniversary. He was such a good sport, and we actually had a really fun time experimenting together...and some of my all-time favorite photos of the two of us were born.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Miles {One Year Old}

Say hello to Miles! Check out what this sweet little guy loves about life -

Miles loves to dance, climb, and eat. If there is music of any sort he stops in his tracks, throws his arms in the air, & starts to wiggle around! His most used work is "eat" - he will open cupboards and yell, "EAT NOW!" Often he can be found sitting at the table eating his brother's food if he hasn't been quick enough! If there is anything he can climb up on, he will do it and be yelling, "THIS! THIS!" the whole time. He likes to ride his trike and loves to sit with his sister Caroline (or KA as he calls her) and read books. He doesn't like to sleep alone or take baths...unless they are in the kitchen sink!

You have such a beautiful family! Thank you for a great session, it was so much fun! I can't wait to see your little guy grow! xoxo, Julie

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lauren {7 days new}

Welcome Lauren Louise to the world!
September 16, 2012             7lb. 8oz.          21 in.
Jer 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Lauren's entrance to the world was one of great joy and anticipation as her parents didn't find out beforehand that they were going to have a little girl, and they are so excited to welcome their third daughter to the family! This family is so full of love, and the addition of baby Lauren is such a blessing. Her mommy and daddy's hopes for Lauren are that she values her family morals, and grows up to be a respectful young lady who is full of love, happiness, & good health.
Thank you so much for allowing me into your home to capture this amazing time in your family's life! You guys were so great to work with, and I appreciate the opportunity! xoxo, Julie

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