Sunday, April 10, 2016

Awaiting Baby #2 {The A Family}

This session was one I had been really looking forward to doing for a couple of reasons. Number one, I absolutely LOVE the magic of maternity sessions in the evening. They are just so fun and inspiring! Number two, I have known this adorable mama for quite a few years from when I was a teacher, and I was very excited to see her again and meet her sweet family. We lucked out with the sunny weather and had a blast! I don't think they get any cuter than this. I can't wait to meet sweet baby #2 in a few months!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The M Family

One very chilly morning a few months back, I had the honor of photographing these 3 beauties. They were troopers - 8:45am doesn't come easy for a lot of people, but they toughed it out so we could capture the best light and get the very best results! Who knew that putting two very happy sisters together out in the frosty cold would make them hug and snuggle up in such a cute way?! I'm officially adding that trick to my list. 

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